Yahoo scans your email The net is noisy, and it's easy to miss newsworthy items like the fact that Yahoo scans your email messages looking for god-only-knows-what the government tells them to look for.
Is it legal to use PrismCipher? This is the wrong question. Better to ask: Is it ethical to use PrismCipher? Is it right to assert your right to free speech and privacy by using encryption?
Consequences of encrypting The use of encryption is growing and its benefits are obvious, but that doesn't mean you'll fly under the radar.
The issue with encryption and privacy Government wants companies to stop using end-to-end encryption. Apple caved and gave FBI access to iCloud backups.
The EARN IT bill is bull If government is allowed to screen all our messages then you and I will pay for it in silence — we'll be too afraid to say what we think.